The 500 Date Idea List

Here are 500 Date Idea’s Compiled by M ‘Recia Joy Seegmiller on a facebook group i’m a part of… I wanted to share them with you because they looked awesome! I think i’ll add them to my Date Ideas Tab :D ENJOY

1. Swing at the park
2. Go rock climbing
3. Go tubing down a stream
4. Build a dam in a stream, then swim or wade
5. Take a sunrise hike then have breakfast
6. Tip-toe through the sprinklers
7. Go on a hike to a local State or National park
8. Explore caves
9. Make kites and fly them
10. Go tree climbing
11. Make creations out of dirt or sand
12. Go bird watching
13. Climb a hill and watch the sunset
14. Go fishing
15. Go tubing in snow
16. Go ice skating
17. Walk the canyon trail
18. Go waterskiing with a group and have a cookout
19. Go boating
20. Get several couples and go on a day hike
21. Go on a moonlight hike
22. Go backpacking
23. Play in the sand dunes
24. Go ice fishing
25. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
26. Go sledding
27. Build a snowman on a park, hospital, or school lawn
28. Go ice blocking
29. Have a squirt-gun fight
30. Go four wheeling or off-roading
31. Sing around a campfire and have smores
32. Buy KFC and eat it on the water tower
33. Build snow sculptures at the dorms or institute
34. Feed the birds
35. Go on a nature walk. Try to identify flowers
36. Go camping with the family
37. Visit lakes and ask the tour guides questions
38. Build a raft and use it
39. Pan for gold
40. Drive out to the desert and spell words with rocks
41. Make mud pies
42. Have a tug-of-war. Try it over a creek
43. Roller-skate
44. Go sand-surfing
45. Hunt
46. Target shoot
47. Go mountain climbing
48. Go rappelling
49. Hike to a waterfall and see if you can follow the feeding stream
50. Take a geology field trip
51. Take the tram to the top of a ski lift in the summer and hike down
52. Pick berries and make jelly
53. Take a long ride or walk with your date and several little children
54. Hunt for fossils
55. Spend a survival day in the wilderness
56. Visit a state or national park
57. Visit a dam on a big river
58. Walk in the rain; jump in the puddles
59. Go on a moonlight walk

60. Have tennis tournament (add breakfast for before school/work)
61. Go to an athletic contest at half time
62. Go cross country skiing
63. Go cycling
64. Go horseback riding
65. Go to the gym
66. Go to a rodeo
67. Play tennis at night. Play doubles with others
68. Play volleyball
69. Go rollerskating/blading/boarding
70. Go target shooting with a .22
71. Take your date to a game you are playing in
72. Play racquetball or croquet
73. Go jogging together
74. Play basketball
75. Play mud football or volleyball. Go swimming after to clean off
76. Ride a bicycle built for two
77. Play hockey in a vacant street
78. Ice skate
79. Play a football game in the snow
80. Snowmobile
81. Spend an evening at the gym
82. Play hole-in-one in the backyard
83. Have a gymnastics contest. Take pictures
84. Play handball
85. Play three-legged basketball
86. Play broom hockey
87. Play Frisbee football or golf
88. Go golf ball hunting
89. Go swimming
90. Go canoeing or sailing
91. Play water basketball
92. Go to the driving range
93. Go miniature golfing
94. Play soccer

95. Play kick the can
96. Have a jacks or tiddlywinks tournament
97. Play ultimate Frisbee
98. Play Ping Pong
99. Play Monopoly with another couple
100. Play truth or consequences
101. Play pool
102. Go bowling
103. Play hide and seek
104. Play games and pop popcorn with background music
105. Play hide and seek, tag, or cops on horseback
106. Play marbles
107. Play Red Rover
108. Hopscotch
109. Jump rope. Don’t forget the rhymes
110. Cowboys and Indians
111. Four squares
112. Run, sheep, run
113. Fox and geese
114. Freeze tag
115. Statues
116. Cops and robbers
117. Find words in license plates, or find the alphabet in order
118. Puzzles, put one together or make your own
119. Play “around the ping-pong table”
120. Play water balloon basketball
121. Play water balloon volleyball or feather volleyball
122. Play checkers or chess in the park or on a rock in the mountains
123. play board games with your date’s family

124. Work on your personal histories
125. Share mission pictures
126. Tour the temple grounds
127. Have a campfire testimony meeting
128. Go to the Genealogy Library
129. Watch General Conference
130. Visit the Brigham Young home and Jacob Hamblin Home in St. George
131. Tour Mountain Meadows
132. Go to church or the Sunday firesides
133. Play Gospel Games on Sunday. Try “Mormon Baseball”
134. Attend the temple/do baptisms
135. Give everyone a church magazine and have them share an article from it
136. Read the scriptures together
137. Prepare a Sunday School lesson together
138. Work on a church welfare project

139. Paint a barn door or a house
140. Organize your junk drawer
141. Bottle fruit
142. Entertain at hospitals or care centers
143. Tie a quilt
144. Read to a blind person
145. Paint a room together
146. Prepare holiday treats and take them to the hospital or care center
147. Make cookies and deliver them to a widow or a friend having a birthday
148. Re-shingle a roof
149. Wallpaper a bedroom
150. Wash a car, tune the engine, clean the inside and outside of a car. Have a water fight afterwards
151. Plant or harvest a garden
152. Refinish a desk or other furniture
153. Organize a Sub for Santa. Wrap and deliver the presents together
154. Feed the cows together
155. Clean the garage
156. Write to missionaries
157. Write a thank you note to your Bishop
158. Visit a rest home. Read or sing to them. Ask them to tell you stories
159. Visit children in a hospital and read to them if allowed
160. Rake leaves or shovel snow for someone in need
161. Run errands for your parents, take your date
162. Baby-sit a relative’s children (Good test for both of you)
163. Gather a load of firewood for you parents or neighbor
164. Pick and bottle or dry fruit
165. Help someone rearrange their furniture
166. Make holiday decorations and deliver them to a hospital or rest home
167. Clean the fridge and eat leftovers
168. Change a tire or work on a car together
169. Dress up as Mr. and Mrs. Claus and go to the children’s hospital (or just walk up and down the street)
170. Have a shoe-shining party
171. Bake cookies and take them to a parking attendant or a ticket seller at a theater
172. Wrap presents for older people and leave them on their door step; ring the bell and run
173. Frost graham crackers and take them to someone
174. Build a clubhouse for neighborhood kids
175. Take a family member to a ballgame
176. Pass out bubblegum on Main Street
177. Go shopping for a family member
178. Help a sheepherder sheer his sheep
179. Have a pet show with kids in the neighborhood and award prizes
180. Learn magic tricks and put on a show for the neighborhood kids
181. Help a farmer take care of his animals
182. Bake notes into cookies and send them to people
183. Paint addresses on curbs
184. Paint house trim for a neighbor

185. Go bug collecting
186. Take a sight-seeing tour of your city
187. Plan a pretend trip
188. Watch TV with a shut-in
189. Color in coloring books
190. Have a bubble blowing contest (gum or bubble blow)
191. Go to a free concert
192. Study together
193. Read a funny children’s book together
194. Gather pine nuts
195. Go arrowhead hunting
196. Plan a street dance (Permit required)
197. Build a rope swing and play on it
198. Go window shopping
199. Picture-taking
200. A valley-wide treasure hunt
201. Visit a City Council or school board meeting
202. Visit the observatory
203. Tour the county jail
204. Color Easter Eggs
205. Go to a school play
206. Go to the county fair
207. Read a book together and discuss it
208. Make crafts, or mold clay
209. Christmas Caroling party
210. A barn dance
211. Finger-painting. Try it with your toes
212. Make posters to advertise an activity at a church or school
213. Make a spook house for Halloween
214. Have a talent show
215. Visit your date’s Grandparents and take along a tape and ask them to tell you about dating in the good ol’ days
216. Go looking for furniture in furniture stores
217. Look at family or childhood pictures
218. Read a Book of Remembrance together
219. Have a cabin party with eats, games, and movies
220. Watch people and airplanes at the airport
221. Go shopping and buy a cheap surprise for each other
222. Go to an institute dance
223. Teach a boy to dance
224. Make jerky out of a deer roast
225. Go trick or treating for Halloween, Or anytime
226. Take a survey you have made up or an opinion poll
227. Show movies or slides of your childhood days
228. Pretend you are engaged and go test drive cars, try on rings, and check out apartments
229. Gather rocks and identify them. Also, try polishing them
230. Visit a cemetery. Show your date your family plot
231. Park down town and observe people
232. Teach your date how to drive a stick shift car
233. Park and listen to the Mystery Theater
234. Attend the Messiah together
235. Catch caterpillars and watch them turn into butterflies
236. Get a permit and chop down your own Christmas tree
237. Dry flowers in a microwave and arrange them
238. Teach your date to knit
239. Go grocery shopping
240. Go Christmas shopping
241. Bake cakes. Decorate them blindfolded
242. Whipping cream or shaving cream fight. Be sure to dress for it (or go to the river and do it there)
243. Draw pictures of each other
244. Style each other’s hair. Put her makeup on for her
245. Cut out pictures from a magazine. Tell a story with them
246. Hunt for four-leaf clovers. Make wishes
247. Walk through the city and see how many people you can talk to
248. Take instant pictures of people and give the pictures to them
249. Dress up like a gangster and kidnap your date. Take them out for dinner and old movies
250. Have a cheerleader tryout; make up cheers and routines
251. Go to a Disney movie in a Disney costume
252. Send your date an anonymous reserved seat ticket to some event and when they arrive, sit down next to them
253. Have yourself delivered to your date in a box
254. Go on a date where you don’t spend more than $1.00
255. Be clowns in a parade
256. Have a paper-airplane contest
257. Go to the pool or beach in an old fashioned swimsuit
258. Find a place with an echo and have a jam session
259. Have a hula hoop contest
260. Play five-step with a football. Kick the ball back and forth. Each time you catch it you move five steps closer to the other person’s goal
261. Have a knot tying contest (for knots to tie, look in the Boy Scout handbook)
262. Have a grass fight or a fall leaf fight
263. Build a tree house
264. Figure out some April Fool’s pranks
265. Ride in a horse drawn sleigh
266. Try walking on stilts
267. Watch Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, or Saturday Morning cartoons on TV
268. Write to Santa
269. Make soap sculptures
270. Build a model plane or car
271. Cut dolls or snowflakes out of paper, or try origami
272. Collect recyclable bottles to buy penny candy
273. Arm wrestle, thumb wrestle, Indian leg wrestle
274. Have a Jell-O fight
275. Play on a trampoline
276. Visit Indian ruins
277. Go early to a parade and fix breakfast and play games while you wait
278. Skip stones on a lake
279. Dodge sprinklers on campus
280. Go snipe hunting
281. Watch clouds and identify shapes
282. Go canoeing in the moonlight
283. Take a tractor ride at a farm
284. Go for a drive without destination in mind. Stop at places that look interesting
285. Hunt for wildflowers. Have field guide to identify them
286. Have an Easter Egg hunt
287. Try to catch a greased pig
288. Hunt for night crawlers together
289. Mow your initials in her lawn
290. Count satellites
291. Have a road rally where you switch between navigating and driving the course
292. Catch butterflies and start a collection
293. Play computer games
294. Watch passing cars. Each person chooses a color. See who can count the most in their color
295. Visit a cemetery. Look at old names and dates and make up stores about the people
296. Act like a tourist in your own town
297. Drive to another town for dinner
298. Go to a garage or rummage sale or bazaar
299. Read magazines together at the library
300. Go to a drug store and read all the greeting cards. Buy one for her parents
301. Visit a TV, radio or movie studio
302. Go to a store and play “The Price is Right”. Take turns guessing the prices of items. Prizes for the winner
303. Visit historical sights
304. Visit a police station or a fire station
305. Using a clipboard, go to a fair and act like a judge
306. Fly electronic airplane models
307. Go to a stock-car race
308. Visit a humane shelter or an animal hospital (buy a dog or cat if desired)
309. Attend the ballet, a symphony concert, the opera, or theater
310. Take dance lessons
311. Attend the circus
312. Attend an ice show
313. Attend a demolition derby
314. Visit a water treatment facility
315. Visit a newspaper or other printing plant
316. Visit a milk-processing plant
317. Visit a bakery
318. Visit a sewage-processing plant
319. Word searches, crossword puzzles, dot-to-dots, etc.
320. Have a smile contest
321. Make up captions for pictures in family albums
322. Read the newspaper together. Include the kids section and the comics. Pick your favorite item out of the want ads. Shop for groceries from the ads
323. Watch a cultural presentation on TV
324. Discuss current events
325. Cut out pictures from ads, hide the product and try to guess what is being advertised
326. Play the commercial game
327. Read your grandparent’s or other ancestor’s journal
328. Play the piano and sing together
329. Get a load of firewood and cut logs for the fireplace
330. Put notes in helium balloons and set them loose
331. Go through a catalogue and pick items out to learn about each other’s tastes
332. Pick a historical figure and learn about them together
333. Go to a lecture and discuss it
334. Have a popcorn-sculpting contest
335. If you date a school teacher, help them grade papers
336. Pretend to be an interior decorator and plan the interior of your future home
337. Exchange white elephant gifts
338. Design your dream house
339. Decorate your date’s room
340. Have a tall-tale contest, the winner gets a prize
341. Cut up a newspaper and make a story about your date with the pieces
342. Show slide or pictures of vacations, or world wide adventures
343. Send an invitation to a date in balloons-each balloon has a note, but only one has the invitation
344. Go on a safari: set up a tent in your front room with all the plants you can find
345. Plant and care for flowers
346. Do yard work
347. Scrub and wax floors
348. Vacuum or dust
349. Go to junk stores find something unusual and fix it up
350. Build something together (maybe a last relationship)
351. Put together an ant farm
352. Do homework together
353. Keep a scrapbook or journal or your activities together
354. Build a crystal radio
355. Landscape a yard
356. Do the wash in a Laundromat
357. Work together on a research paper
358. Usher at a symphony or other civic event
359. Train a dog
360. Break a horse
361. Repair a bike
362. Learn a new talent or craft at a hobby shop
363. Make a terrarium
364. Make candles
365. Make holiday decorations
366. Make Valentines
367. Make puppets and put on a show
368. Create a homemade band
369. Develop film in a darkroom
370. Have a kazoo band – a drummer helps
371. “Teach your date to…” find something that you can teach your date
372. Create a new food recipe
373. Sew matching shirts
374. Make pottery
375. Do Macrame or a string design
376. Make mobiles
377. Do fly-typing
378. Paint-by-number
379. Go to an old folks dance – remember the foxtrot and the waltz?
380. Make posters together for an activity one or the other is involved in
381. Try some musical duets
382. Go to a dates house, listen to them practice a musical specialty
383. Have an ice cream sculpting contest
384. Play the alphabet game in an art museum with things in the paintings
385. Go to a wedding reception of a stranger
386. Go to a cemetery at night and talk
387. Go to a store and fill carts with a variety of stuff. Then regroup and switch baskets. The first team to return the stuff to their proper place wins a prize
388. Have an audio or photo scavenger hunt. Have a list of sounds or scenes and send groups out with a recorder or disposable camera (try having a time limit)
389. Go to DI. Give each person $5 to buy an outfit. They wear that the rest of the date
390. Fashion show
391. Change regular tires to snow tires and vice versa
392. Clean out his glove compartment (amazing what you can learn about him)

393. Give each couple $1 and go buy something for dinner. Regroup and put it all together
394. Play softball
395. Play flag football
396. Play ultimate Frisbee
397. Double with your parents
398. Make a movie then watch it
399. Have a treasure hunt in a park. End up at a campfire for special goodies
400. Go on a hayride
401. Have a hat party. Try making your own hats
402. Have a party where Santa gives out presents to all
403. Have a dinner party. Surprise the boys by “letting” them cook. Provide aprons and recipes
404. Have a pumpkin carving contest. Display them afterwards
405. Built a float for Homecoming or some other parade
406. Have a backwards party. Do everything backwards
407. Buy a coloring book and color at an ice cream parlor; have a stranger judge your work
408. Have a pirate party. Have a treasure map with treasure at the end
409. Have a blindfold dance
410. Have an outdoor square dance
411. Have a star party. Get several telescopes and locate constellations
412. Play Charades
413. Play TV game shows: The Price is Right, Hollywood Squares, Deal or No Deal, Jeopardy, Family Feud
414. Play “To Tell the Truth”. Each person passes in five funny but true experiences, the head person picks three people. Each of the three gives his version of the story and the group tries to identify the right one
415. Have a Sadie Hawkins dance or party
416. Have a pot-luck dinner
417. Have a group dinner where everyone brings their favorite food. Don’t tell what it is, but a have a rhyme about it. The rhymes are drawn out of a hat. The group guesses what it is. Eat the items in the order they are drawn
418. Have a number’s dinner. Each item is represented by a number on the menu. The food is eaten in the order the numbers are chosen.
419. Invite several couples over. Have them bring their favorite recipe. Prepare them together
420. Have a picnic lunch raffle. Eat with the girl whose lunch you buy
421. Have a “come as you are” party. Call the couples around the dinner time the night before the dinner. Have them come in what they were wearing

422. Picnic at your own house
423. Take a sunrise hike and have breakfast
424. Go on a hike and cook dinner
425. Fix dinner and watch a movie
426. Make taffy or honey candy. Pull it and eat it
427. Make bread
428. Have a waffle supper
429. Roast hot dogs and marshmallows
430. Make homemade ice cream
431. Have a bread and milk supper
432. Make donuts
433. Make pizza
434. Have a Dutch over cookout
435. Have a BBQ and play games at a park
436. Prepare and share a candlelight dinner
437. Make tinfoil dinners up the canyon
438. Walk to an ice cream shop
439. Try a reverse dinner. Dessert first
440. Have a progressive dinner going from one room to another. Decorate each room differently
441. Dress up elegantly and go someplace very inexpensive for dinner
442. Have a fondue party
443. Have dinner on a card table in a school parking lot
444. Fix a meal for your date and his/her parents
445. Dress up in pioneer clothes and go for a picnic to a ghost town
446. Have an international dinner party with RM’s sharing their favorite dishes
447. Go bowling until midnight and have breakfast afterwards
448. Find a candy recipe and make it together
449. Have a formal dinner followed by a Rook tournament
450. Have a dress-up formal dinner complete with waiters and violins (have your friends help) serve hamburgers
451. Use your imagination in having dinner in the following places: McDonald’s, mountains or hill, back of a pick-up or car, card table at your school, yacht club, barn, tent, semi-trailer, “deserted island”, golf course, under a waterfall, tree house, snow covered mountain, giant tree, appliance box, empty swimming pool
452. Have a luau
453. Have a corn roast
454. Have a backyard BBQ and lawn games
455. Try waffles with lots of different toppings or ingredients
456. Have dinner at a hospital snack bar, then visit patients
457. Have a Chinese dinner, with chopsticks and fortune cookies. Sit on the floor
458. Have a hobo dinner: cook everything in one pot and eat out of empty tin cans
459. Choose a time-period and dress appropriately for dinner
460. Choose several hamburger places. Buy one thing from each place and eat at a park
461. Have a mixed up dinner, the menu in riddles, food in strange sizes and colors
462. Have a dinner with all the food and decorations the same color
463. Have a dinner in a field and eat pork and beans from the can
464. Have a pizza decorating contest
465. Have a vegetarian party
466. Prepare a Passover feast
467. Roast marshmallows on toothpicks over a candle
468. Prepare banana splits
469. Try a role reversal – let him clean up the dishes while she relaxes and reads
470. Have a Western dinner, with beef stew and biscuits. Prepare a mess kit for each guest.
471. Have a miniature dinner on doll plates. Cornish game hen, little gelatin molds, birthday candles for a centerpiece, little pies
472. Go to the supermarket and give each person $1 or $2. Have them buy their favorite food without letting the others see. Take them home to share

473. Do a scavenger hunt in which you have to get ingredients for your dinner (split up
474. Take them home and share all of your childhood memories with them
475. Go hot tubbing
476. Go to some natural hot springs
477. Take a day trip out of state
478. Go to a bookstore and have them pick out their favorite books by categories (missed childhood memory, future, etc…)
479. Find little unknown restaurants to eat at
480. Conduct science experiments (mentos and coke)
481. Take a class together
482. Cook for each other’s roommates
483. Go play at a park
484. Do something together neither one has ever done (5K, marathon)
485. Take fake wedding pictures and then send them to friends
486. Plan a weekend together with a huge group of friends
487. Have a fake date over the phone (great for long distance)
488. Build a “home” out of cardboard boxes
489. Have your own dance party
490. Challenge them to Nintendo games
491. Go to the dollar theatre
492. Go on a date that you don’t like, but you know they love
493. Go country-swing dancing
494. Go to an arcade
495. Make up recipes and eat them
496. Visit all the local temples together
497. Go to the mall and just walk around
498. Look in the paper for free events and attend all you can in one day
499. Buy plain shirts and make each other a shirt for the date
500. Go for a walk