Thursday Activities

USU Meditation Club
Thursdays 12:00p.m.-1:00p.m.
Merrill-Cazier Library 112
All levels of experience, and all members of the community, are welcome! Please join us for a 30 minute "sit" with instructions and advice as requested.
puzzles that are at once clear while also carrying some ambiguous mystery.

Stuffed Animal Drive
April 2nd- April 6th
All day
Help Operation Smile in collecting stuffed animals for children when they get out of surgery!

Intermountain Graduate Research Symposium
TSC International Lounge
Graduate students from USU and neighboring universities will present research posters and oral presentations at judged sessions. Workshops, keynotes, and other presentations will be offered throughout the day.

Stress and Anxiety management and Self Care 1 Workshop
TSC 310
Stress Management and Self Care – This two-part workshop is designed to help participants understand and manage their stress better, learn and practice a variety of stress management skills, and set self-care goals. Participants will benefit most by attending both parts of the workshop. Thursday, April 5 and 12. By attending CAPS workshops you will be exposed to a variety of skills to help improve your quality of life and relationships. You are welcome to attend all the workshops or pick and choose the ones that you are most interested in. Contact us at 797-1012 or stop by TSC 306 to reserve your seat. For a copy of our full workshop brochure:

BFA Exhibition
Chase Fine Arts Center 102
Come see featured art works of USU students

BFA Exhibition Opening Reception
Chase Fine Arts Center
Come to the opening reception of the BFA exhibition and see featured art work of USU students.

Would You Date You Lecture with Abraham Shreve
TSC ballroom
It's the classic story...boy meets girl -- love at first sight. They live happily ever after, but the secret to a lasting relationship happens long before they ever meet. Join Abraham Shreve to learn how living a life worth loving can help you attract the ONE and build a relationship that will last a lifetime!